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Veranstaltungen 2023

21.06.2023: CeCoP Lecture

War, Work & Want: How the OPEC Oil Crisis Caused Mass Migration and Revolution

Randall Hansen, University of Toronto

21 June 2023, 4-6 pm          Location: 11/212

Today, global migration is at a historic high of over 280 million people. It has transformed global and domestic politics. Such mass migration is not only unprecedented; it is – at least in the global north – unexpected and unwanted. Publics across Europe, North America, and Asia oppose immigration, and events in the early 1970s – the end of the postwar boom, policy restrictions in Europe and America – should have led to a stagnation or decline in migration. Instead, global migration has tripled in absolute terms and increased by 1.2% of world population in real ones. The paper asks why. It argues that economic and geopolitical changes unleashed by the OPEC oil crisis led to an unanticipated surge in global migration. Economically, OPEC halved growth rates in the West, and wages have stagnated for five decades. In response, consumers rebuilt their standard of living on the back of cheap migrant labor. At the same time, OPEC flooded the Middle East, Russia, and Iran with oil money, destabilizing Tehran, ushering in the Iranian Revolution, and contributing to Moscow’s 1979 invasion of Afghanistan and to the two Gulf Wars. In the non-oil producing states, Egypt and Syria, OPEC-induced inflation put the last nail in the coffin of Import Substitution Industrialization (ISI), forced a turn to neo-liberalism, and led to inequality, mass protests and, eventually, civil war. The result of these parallel economic and geopolitical developments was 115 million unexpected or unwanted migrants.

Randall Hansen, MPhil, DPhil (Oxon) is Director of the Global Migration Lab at the University of Toronto’s Munk School and Canada Research Chair in the Department of Political Science. He works on migration & citizenship, eugenics & population policy, and the effect of war on civilian populations.

Veranstaltungen 2022

Webinar on Ukraine:

On Monday, July, 4, 3-6pm, you are most welcome to participate in a Webinar on Ukraine, with partners from Vienna and Chernivtsi, including experts from Ukraine, Eastern and Northern Europe. For more information follow this link. 

Veranstaltungen 2021

Neuer Master Studiengang CSP offiziell eröffnet

Mit einer Feierstunde am 12. Oktober 2021 im Friedenssaal des Osnabrücker Rathauses wurde der zum Wintersemester 2021/22 neu eingerichtete, englischsprachige Masterstudiengang "Conflict Studies and Peacebuilding" (MA CSP) offiziell eröffnet. Die neuen Studierenden wurden von Ratsfrau Brigitte Neumann im Namen der Stadt Osnabrück und von der Vizepräsidentin für Studium und Lehre, Prof. Dr. Martina Blasberg-Kuhnke, begrüßt. Die beiden Koordinatoren des Studiengangs, Prof. Dr. UIrich Schneckener und Prof. Dr. Alexander De Juan, stellten anschließend die inhaltlichen Schwerpunkte des neuen Masterprogramms vor. Der erste Jahrgang beginnt mit mehr als 30 Studierenden, davon fast ein Drittel internationale Studierende.

31.08.2021 Osnabrücker Friedensgespräch zu Afghanistan

Bei einem Osnabrücker Friedensgespräch diskutierten im Live-Stream Prof. Dr. Ulrike Krause, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schneckener, Dr. Jan Köhler und Prof. Dr. Bülent Ucar verschiedene Aspekte des Konflikts und der westlichen Intervention in Afghanistan. Moderiert wurde das Gespräch von der Präsidentin der Universität Osnabrück, Prof. Dr. Susanne Menzel-Riedl. Die Aufzeichnung findet sich hier.